Friday, December 24, 2004

Alignment with Absolute reality

For those of us who are not aligned with absolute reality, our lives are haphazard. Every day, every decision is hard because it is a conflict of values,evaluations and consequences.
Most decisions are made by evaluating the consequences and are not governed by a uniform set of values.Since every person subscribes to several sets of values (many of which are conflicting) any one of these values (at any given point of time) is used to justify rather than to make decisions.Decisions are still made by evaluating consequences.

for an example of different values read

Alignment with absolute reality implies one universal standard and measuring all other values based on their alignment with that standard, and making decisions based on that standard regardless of other values or consequences.

The path leading to alignment will not be easy, but once aligned, the universe will base its decisions on you, and not vice versa.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1+1=2 may not be absolute. But their are absolute truths in mathematics. For example the fact that pi is irrational is absolute. And pi is a measure that occurs naturally. It may have been defined by us in the way it exists but it is absolute nonetheless!

9:37 AM  

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