Behavior of individuals in modern times (Kali Yuga)
The following extracts are from an article on 'Kali Yuga'
Nobility is determined only by the wealth of a person. Law and justice are determined by one's prestige and power. The poor become enslaved by the rich and powerful. Words such as charity and freedom are constantly used by the people, yet are never done.
In Kali Yuga, people are no longer respected for intelligence, knowledge or spiritual wisdom. Instead, material wealth and, to a lesser extent, physical strength, are what make a person highly regarded. Even though respect is shown superficially among the people, no one sincerely respects anyone. Everyone believes that the ultimate goal in life is to be respected, hence becoming wealthy and physically strong.
In Kali Yuga, men question the power of Brahmins, religious ceremonies, the existence of Gods, and the authority of the Vedas. There is no longer any respect towards elders or children.
Most of the Brahmins stop performing religious activities. Like everyone else, they lose all their morality, eat meat (even beef), and start to take in intoxicants
Kshatriyas, the royal and warrior caste, become corrupt and lose their political power. Their leadership falls into the hands of unprincipled rogues, criminals, and terrorists, who use their power to exploit the people. The kings themselves become thieves. They would rather steal from their citizens than protect and defend them.
The Vaishyas, who represent the middle class, merchants, tradesmen and businessmen of society, are now the petty-minded people who conduct business transactions and merchants dishonestly. New types of business-related crimes are formed, such as fraud and counterfeiting. The traders become selfish and try to satisfy their wants before the consumer. The very few who are honest with their business are not successful and eventually become unemployed. Eventually even they resort to cheating to be successful.
Shudras no longer respect any of the higher castes. They are the most worshipped caste in Kali Yuga.
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