Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Deceived or led into wrongdoing?

We should be careful in choosing who we believe or who we are led by, and what their values and intentions are. Drona is deceived into making attempts to capture Yudhishtira alive believing that Duryodhana is going to set him free and give him half the kingdom. Whereas actually Duryodhana wanted to make Yudhishtira his slave and end the war in his favour. The Samsaptakas were also deceived into accepting Duryodhana's plea to take Arjuna away from the battle area so that Drona could launch the Chakravyuha and capture Yudhishtira alive. They were promised by Duryodhana that he would set Yudhishtira free. However Duryodhana had no intention of doing so. We may be performing actions with noble intentions but if our assumptions are false or if we are deceived by trusting others with evil intentions, our actions will amount to evil, even if we perform them with seemingly noble intentions. We must choose who we are led by and who we trust judiciously and not based on a pretense of friendliness or hospitality.

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