Unity of Paths
As outlined in the Bhagavad Gita, there are two approaches to the absolute, that of knowledge and that of action, and that to help practise these approaches, we must do so with devotion, and control over the mind and senses. The wise know that one who is pure in action, is so due to knowledge, and one who is of knowledge, is also pure in his actions. Thus the point here is that these seemingly different paths converge, and that one cannot attain one without attaining the others.
When you hear people speak of one path as superior to other, it just shows their ignorance and immaturity. It conveys that they have not comprehended even the very path that they claim to be the one and only true path. None of the paths when viewed independent of the others can lead to progress. Progress happens automatically due to synergies between the various paths. Those who cut the other paths off, are killing synergy, and hence killing progress itself.
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