Friday, January 28, 2005

The golden mean

As n (where Fn is the Fibonacci number corresponding to n) approaches infinity, the limit of the sequence of successive Fibonacci number ratios is the Golden mean.
This convergence is also geometrically representable by a logarithmic spiral.
Logarithmic spirals are found throughout nature, for example, the shell of a chambered nautilus, the tusks of an elephant and patterns in sunflowers and pine cones.

the golden ratio = 1.61803399...

the more we try to reach perfection (the golden mean) by seeking it, the further we are from it( the number of digits keep increasing)

This 'perfect' number is representable only an irrational number.

Could it be that the systems that we choose to represent reality (numbers, euclidean geometry) are an inadequate model of reality?

Could it be that we are restricting our perception of reality by using such systems?

Could it be, that as long as we stick to such inadequate models, we will be stuck in a never-ending cycle, and the only way to come out of it, is to never lose touch with reality, and build systems that take reality into account.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The world = Projection of absolute

All actions of the world (3 dimensional) have a different meaning in absolute reality.Truth and purpose is visible only in the fourth dimension.A set of actions that may seem to have no purpose in the world may have purpose in absolute reality and another that may seem to have purpose in the world may have no purpose or value in absolute reality.

Enlightenment is the ability to deduce the fourth dimension from the projection.

Absolute reality = 'living in the present'

Absolute reality lies not in the mind,in the memory or in projection.It lies not in perception,but in being.Being is timeless.It carries all of time with it.The present at every point of time constitutes all of the past and the future.Absolute reality is awareness at every moment.

Non-alignment with Non-absolute reality

is alignment with absolute reality. Non-alignment with Non-absolute reality is the absence of prejudice that has its origins in non-truth.
Don't judge,plan or react.Don't jump to conclusions.Be patient.
Just be.

Monday, January 24, 2005

The Cycle of infinities

Starting from one, you can see infinities of infinities.It is easy. Break it into infinite components and relate each of those components to an infinity.

Just as easily, you can see that the one you started with is part of an infinity by itself.

Thus one can keep repeating the cycle forever.

The cycle ends only when the one and the infinity are viewed as the same.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Self Similarity

Benoit Mandelbrot first described a fractal as an object whose detail cannot be diminished nor lost as we magnify it. Neither can the essence of the large entire construct be lost as we examine the smaller and smaller detail of the original. The larger detail of a fractal's entirety is duplicated and contained within the smaller and the smallest subset of the original going down toward infinity and the infinitely small.
Self similarity in nature shows that there is unity in diversity. It shows a pattern of growth that is self-similar rather than evolutionary. In nature (clouds, coastlines etc), growth may be a combination of self-similar, and evolutionary.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Post Convergence

Post Convergence is when you become absolute reality.The Post Convergent one is the same as anyone...just one..but this one is the sum of infinite infinities.So this one sees the truth as it really is.The post convergent one is not an infinity..just a there is no magic (relative reality based perception) or supernatural power associated with post convergence.

The only difference is that post convergence, your life is are always not of the world, yet always of it...for you are the world.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Converging to absolute reality

First recognize the infinite in any one may be nature (the sky, the sun, the sea) or may be a person (a guru, a mythological person,a loved one) and then recognize the same qualities and the same infinity in others, one by one.

In other words

1. See infinity in one
2. See the same infinity in another
3. See infinite infinities
4. See these infinite infinities in one (the self)

These can be likened to 4 dimensions.The only real dimension is the fourth, which we refer to as absolute reality.

This might seem like a very long process, but it is synergistic. Once you start off and get to a certain point (while always being aware of the truth,and the process, and of the role of each point as a step), the process will sustain itself.
Meanwhile at each stage you will have a different identity as perceived by others.But as long as you are aware of your true identity(the sum of infinite infinities), you shall not identify with any of these temporary identities (which others will perceive you to be)
At any step, it is crucial to view the step only as a means to the end and not start identifying with it.This can kill the synergy and set you back. This is not so easy because each step will bring with its own infinity,magic and power(all illusion), which will give ego gratification.At each step you have to reject the ego and temporary gains and choose the self,in order to converge.
This is what is meant by death (of the ego). Therefore, in order to become absolute reality, you will have to die infinite times.

These infinite deaths can occur over a period of time varying from infinite lifetimes to a few days to a moment (of enlightenment)

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Pure Awareness

Even from an absolute source, knowledge imparted is not always absolute for the only thing absolute is the source itself. Hence truth is to be realised and it cannot be imparted.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Learning from Experience

Learning from experience is not dependent on the event experienced or on the outcome. It is a product of awareness during the experience. When the event is experienced with awareness, there is learning.Even if the event is a failure, awareness gained therein leads to future success.

Awareness + Success = Alignment with absolute

Awareness + Failure = Learning

Non-Awareness + Success = Guarantee of future failures (due to false learning)

Non-awareness + Failure = Waste of opportunity to learn

From this, it becomes clear that Awareness is the key to being the master of one's destiny.

Learning V/s Method of Learning

Absolute reality is truth. It exists irrespective of whether a particular person perceives it or not.
It is anyway manifested in all being.For most people, reality and perception are so linked that they cannot tell the two apart.They associate the knowledge that they have gained with the experience that led to this knowledge being gained, while actually, they are different things. All knowledge is a manifestation of the absolute truth and nothing else, so it cannot be dependent on the method or experience that led to its perception.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

All or none - No compromise

Once one gets a glimpse of absolute reality, no other reality will do. There are no substitutes whatsoever. Every situation is handled in absolutely the best way that is best for one and all.
There is no compromise.Absolute reality is an addictively perfect world. Once the world is seen the way it is,no other perception comes close.Temporary gains, Sensual pleasures,Wealth,Fame etc lose all value as individual gains. Ironically, alignment with the absolute guarantees sucess in whatever one seeks including the above but these are experienced not by the ego, but by the infinite one.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

What has worked fine till now or truth?

The basic flaw about sticking to "What has worked fine till now" is that sooner or later it is going to fail, if it is not aligned with the truth. If it has worked perfectly till now , it is guaranteed that it will fail miserably sometime soon. The sooner a man realises this, the easier it is. The more he disregards the truth, and the further he moves from it, the more disastrous the consequences.

The worst disasters have been due to man disregarding the truth.


Absolute reality is determinable only for an absolute observer. For any other observer, reality is limited by perception. For the absolute observer, the observer and observed are one so there is no distinction - only unity in infinity


Magic is a craft practised by people who are expert in the art of illusion or maya.
They define their goals in a subjective manner focusing on perceived reality.
Most people cannot distinguish between absolute and perceived reality, so they are easily deceived by magic.

Magic is inherent in the statement

"if goals are defined in a relative/subjective manner without inherent contradictions, they can be achieved (yes even what seems impossible, even something that you cannot even visualize at that point of time) "

If the target is to "Make people believe that a human being has disappeared" and is defined exactly as that, it can be done.

Define it as "Make the human being disappear" and it cannot.

Law or Science

which is more absolute? Scientists contend that scientific principles are the most fundamental.Yet every century brings with it a new such principle or theory which proves all previous theories to be false. Then how can these theories be absolute?

Law refers to facts and evidence (and human interpretations of these), but the world itself is an illusion, and what is perceived by the senses is false.

Law deals with interpretation, Science deals with speculation.

Neither deals with truth.


What is truth? What is justice? What is equality? What is freedom? What is holy?

The truth is that we are infinite,yet one
The truth is love and love is truth
The truth is that what is best for the world is best for you and what is best for you is best for the world
The truth is that death is like a horizon(it is a matter of perception) - it is as much an end as it is a beginning
The truth is that suffering is just an eye-opener to make us question what we had perceived to be 'reality'
The truth is absolute and it is manifested in everything that is real