Thursday, January 28, 2010

Inner Direction - Knowledge by Realization

A very important pre-requisite to attaining perfection is to be directed from within. To derive inspiration from a source that is the inner self. To order our priorities based on values that are determined from internalized knowledge. To prioritize knowledge from experience with awareness, rather than theoretical knowledge. This is the key to free will, and to being the master of your own destiny. A person who cannot listen to the inner voice is but a shadow or a mirror of external influences. Each one of has an inner source of direction and is capable of connecting to it through meditation. However if this connection is rarely exercised, and if the mind makes more and more connections with only external sources, the connection weakens.

Meditation is to be performed by detached observation of the body and mind. It is not to be performed by focusing on any external object, but by connecting with the inner self. Allow the mind and thoughts to occur naturally without exercising any control or will, and observe the thoughts without identifying with them. The mind is not the source of thoughts. The source is the inner self. Replace 'i think, therefore i am' with 'i am.' You are not just the thinker, or just the doer. You just are. If you can reach a state of acceptance that you just are and you are not the generator of your thoughts, your thoughts will no longer be mere reflections of external sources, but will gradually be directly received from your connection with the source, the inner self. You are not the generator of your thoughts. You are just the receiver from the inner self. If you fill your mind with clutter from external sources, there will be no room to receive and store the inner direction. Listen to your inner voice. Connect to the inner self.

The first step is recognize that there is a source of direction from within. Then one must habitually tune to this inner direction. The more you practice listening to your inner voice, the more easy it is to hear it. Most humans are directed from the external world. Their decisions are governed by the external elements that bombard their senses. These could be from the tv, radio, news, friends, colleagues, relatives, teachers, superiors, books, the internet, etc. It is fine to open yourself to these external elements, but not to the extent that you only hear from the outside and cannot hear your own inner voice. There must be a balance between external influences and inner direction. Only those whose inner voice is keenly developed can subject themselves to external elements and still not be influenced away from their inner direction. This ability is called 'Living in the world, but not being of it'. True leaders are guided from within and not by peer pressure. Leaders act as living examples for others and inspire others. Idolizing, blindly copying or following a leader does not lead to progress. A leader should inspire you to listen to your own inner voice.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

The nature of true knowledge

The pursuit of knowledge is considered by some to be superior to the pursuit of wealth, because it cannot be stolen. We are also familiar with the saying 'Knowledge is power". The english dictionary defines knowledge as conversance, acquaintance of familiary with facts, truths, principles, information or even awareness. The concept of knowledge as information is quite different from the concept of knowledge as awareness. So, what knowledge is to be pursued? Is it awareness, information, or truth? Is the source of knowledge the mind, the senses, reason, or is the source external? Is truth objective or subjective? Is there an absolute truth? These definitions of knowledge are so diverse that they may even be considered contrary. Before one embarks on the pursuit of knowledge, it is important to have a clear understanding of what knowledge to pursue, and how to acquire this knowledge. Even before that, one should understand the true nature of knowledge, or the nature of 'true knowledge'.

The sum total of internalized knowledge governs action, and awareness during action internalizes knowledge. Knowledge as internalized cannot be lost or stolen or even forgotten. Internalized knowledge is automatically realized as it automatically governs action. It is not just stored in memory, accessed, retrieved, processed, and executed. It is realized automatically and spontaneously. There is a direct link between internalized knowledge and action. It does not go through the steps of storage, retrieval, processing etc unlike the non-internalized knowledge, which is related to information and data.

In the gita, Krishna says 'Childish and unwise is he who speaks of knowledge and action as two distinct paths. Know that he who is truly set in either one, obtains the fruits of both. The state obtained by the wise is also that achieved by those of selfless action. He who sees that both paths are the same, he truly sees" So the path of knowledge that Krishna refers to as the same as the path of action is the path of internalized knowledge, which is directly linked to action. Here, the path of knowledge is not the path of attainment of mere information storage, but of internalized knowledge directly linked to action. This knowledge is closer to wisdom than information. It is more of a state of being, than a state of having.

Knowledge is not a possession. It cannot be possessed. Attempts to possess knowledge come along with loss of peace of mind and loss of memory. Knowledge cannot be stolen. It can be shared willingly. If one person is willing to impart knowledge, but has expectations from the other person to whom he is imparting the knowledge, the knowledge is not fully acquired by the other person, until the first person's expectations are met. A great sacrifice that one can perform on the path of action, is to share knowledge freely without any expectations from others. Expectations bind not just the person who with whom the knowledge is shared, but also bind the person who shares the knowledge.