Monday, February 28, 2005

Seeking Absolute truth

Absolute truth can only be realized, that too only by being absolute truth.
Seeking it as some special fact/law/meaning/purpose is useless.
Absolute truth is everywhere.
Realization is to attain the consciousness of pure awareness,love,self and being,to be an embodiment of the above.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Realizing absolute reality

Step 1. Know that it exists

Step 2. act knowing that...i.e put that into practice

its like solving an equation, already knowing the value of x.where what gives you the value of x finally is the realization during the experience of solving the equation.then you get to 'experience' x and not just know x.once you realize x, you substitute it into every equation, and it always gives you the right answer :)
you have to live in the 'relative world' in constant awareness of the absolute 'x' and see the hand of x in everything in order to realize x.

Friday, February 25, 2005

The meaning and purpose of life

The meaning and purpose of life is realizing Absolute reality, and, once realized, to continue doing so to enable others to realize the same.

Free Will

Absolute Reality is the only truth.
Once you realize absolute reality, free will and destiny would be the same.

Absolute reality and the legal system

the legal system is a poor substitute for absolute was created by people because they do not recognize truth. they need to create a system and 'judges' to tell them what 'truth' is.

anyone can realize truth irrespective of educational background, IQ,race,religion or color.

the legal system creates a situation where people with awareness of the legal system (lawyers) have more power than those who don't.

absolute reality is not very different.

people with awareness of absolute reality have everything.

Realizing Absolute reality and swimming

Realizing Absolute reality is like learning to matter how much training you receive, you have to realize it for yourself. no one else can do it for have to get into the water and become one with it. if you fight the water and consider it to be alien to you, you will drown. if you see yourself and the water as one, you will float.

Friday, February 18, 2005


Refer to absolute reality. Seekers of truth and 'true' knowledge do not know that what they seek can be found by realizing love.

By realizing absolute reality, there will no conflict between the mind, and the heart (there is only the self), and no conflict between science and religion (there is only truth, which can only be realized and not perceived,observed or understood)

Monday, February 14, 2005


Love is truth. It is absolute.It is one.
If what you think is 'love' is relative, then it is not 'true'.
Love is manifested in all of reality as One.
To be Absolute reality is to be the manifestation of love.
To love is to Realize, to Realize is to love.
Love is real.
The opposite of love is the absence of awareness and realization.
Hate is an illusion.
Love is true.

Friday, February 11, 2005


Among all the words mentioned earlier, realize is unique. Realize is to 'make real'
Realize is used intechangeably with understand sometimes but the difference between 'realize' and 'understand' is that understanding is an unattached comprehension by the mind, without real significance. It is 'comprehension without taking 'reality' into account.And realization is wherein is the understanding is due to experience with awareness( it is within reality and not within the constructs of the mind )

The self cannot be observed,understood or perceived.Whenever a attempt is made to observe the self, there is a distortion in the observation or perception from reality.

The self can therefore be understood only in reality by 'Realization'

Realization is the only experience (with awareness) wherein the observer and observed are one and the same (unity in infinity).

Monday, February 07, 2005

Living in absolute reality

To have seen absolute reality is one thing, to live in it is another.Some of life's moments give us a glimpse of truth, but once the moment passes us, we get to back living in the same world.
To realize absolute reality once you have seen what it is,

Live your life by it!

see the moment for what it is..a glimpse of what truth can be...but don't confuse it with truth itself.Capture that moment,learn the lessons from it and apply these lessons in everyday life

Compare this with falling in love..
the initial stages of infatuation,lust etc are very passionate and intense...sometimes they lead to ecstasic states...but these states are not to be confused with love itself...for they are just a glimpse of what love can be.Wasting these stages by not see the hidden truth about the nature of love leads to getting into a relationship without love, which leads to frustration and then the end of the relationship.
Then the same intial stages are sought with someone else and the cycle continues.

Thus is the difference between experience and awareness.

Living in absolute reality is like experiencing those intitial stages of ecstasy in everything you do, due to pure awareness.Being absolute reality is being the source and the manifestation of love itself.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Absolute Reality is beyond perception

But Absolute Reality is not beyond awareness.

Some of the things that are most real and true are not peceivable by the senses
like love and the cannot be perceived by any of the is just known,by pure awareness.

when you know the self, when you know love, and you see everything as a manifestation of the self, and of love, you are in touch with absolute reality

when you treat the self (that you cannot see) as more real than anything else, you are in touch with absolute reality

when you are aware of the self and you see the world through the self,as one, and not through perceptions ,divisions or labels (thin,fat,white,black,old,young etc etc), you are in touch with absolute reality

Friday, February 04, 2005


Perception is always a little late.

Perception of sound is late by the time required by the sound to reach the observer.
Frequency of sound is dependent on velocity 'doppler effect'
color of light is also affected
time is dependent on velocity
mass is dependent on velocity


Observation - Is to perceive without active participation. Observation has been paramount to the development of science.

Suppose a particle has momemtum p and a position x. In a Quantum Mechanical world, I would not be able to measure p and x precisely. There is an uncertainty associated with each measurement, e.g., there is some dp and dx, which I can never get rid of even in a perfect experiment!!!. This is due to the fact that whenever I make a measurement, I must disturb the system. (In order for me to know something is there, I must bump into it.) The size of the uncertainties are not independent, they are related by
dp x dx > h / (2 x pi) = Planck's constant / ( 2 x pi )

So in a 'Quantum Mechanical world' , absolute reality cannot be 'observed' entirely accurately.