Thursday, February 10, 2011

Importance of being cheerful

How often do you

a) make others feel good about themselves?
b) ask others to make you feel good?
c) expect others to make you feel good?
d) accept positive gestures from others?
e) make yourself feel good?

The answers to these questions will give you insight onto your level of cheerfulness. If you make yourself feel good and share those good feelings with others, accept positive gestures from others, but at the same time do not feel disappointed when they are not given. If you also don't hesitate to ask for positive gestures once in a while from your loved ones, you can stay cheerful and spread that cheer around!

Saturday, February 05, 2011

What is awareness?

Awareness is an expression of the self in its pure form in the present or in the now. It is a natural state. A person who is aware in the present sees himself, others and events for what they are, naturally. An experience with awareness is known as realization. Action with awareness is called Karma Yoga. Awareness is cultivated by detachment from the limited self (including the body, mind, and thoughts) and observing them in a continuous manner, knowing that the observer and the observed are one.