Harnessing Potential for Action
You might be aware that the oscillating pendulum goes through a cycle of varying Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy. When the pendulum is at its greatest height, its Potential Energy is maximum, and Kinetic Energy is zero. When the pendulum is at the center, it is vice versa. Our lives and careers go through similar cycles. The wise balance various stages of their lives knowing whether it is a stage for building up potential, or for leveraging potential in action.
One common mistake that people (especially students in India) make, is viewing school/college as a time for achievement, whereas, it is a time for learning. American schools recognize that industry experience and education need to be balanced at various stages of life. They provide the flexibility that is required for students to get the maximum learning out of school in terms of potential that they can leverage in their careers. Indian students tend to view school as an end in itself. American students tend to view school as a means to build up their potential that can be leveraged later.