Awareness is agnostic to the senses - Meditate with your eyes open
If it is possible to shoot arrows in the dark and hit the target, and if it is possible to play a complex musical instrument like the guitar with your eyes closed, it is also possible to meditate with your eyes open. Eyes open or closed doesn't make any difference because meditation is an exercise of a higher awareness which is agnostic to the senses. Meditation is about awareness. One can close one's eyes while meditating, but can you close your ears also? How about closing your nose also so that you won't get distracted by any smells lingering around? Can you stop your skin from sensing changes in temperature or from itching while you are meditating? Can you stop yourself from passing gas or from yawning while meditating? If not then why close the eyes only? If you can't focus with your eyes open, you can't focus with your eyes closed also. A person who merely shuts his sense organs and pretends to meditate while he is entertaining thoughts pertaining to sense objects is a hypocrite. A yogi can meditate at any time. He can meditate while sipping tea (zen meditation), and even when he is in the pot.